Angular Component
Now we need to create our first component which will contain the form that the user needs to fill in order to add a new Post.
php artisan ng:component create_post_form
Components encourage code reuse
Aim to create a component for every feature so that you can reuse it later on.
Open angular/app/components/create_post_form/create_post_form.component.html
in your editor and add the relevant HTML form.
<form ng-submit="vm.submit()">
<input type="text" ng-model="">
<input type="text" ng-model="vm.topic">
<md-button type="submit" class="md-primary md-raised">Create post</md-button>
And then update your create_post_form.component.js
code to write the controller's logic
class CreatePostFormController{
constructor(API, ToastService){
this.API = API;
this.ToastService = ToastService;
var data = {
topic: this.topic,
this.API.all('posts').post(data).then((response) => {'Post added successfully');
export const CreatePostFormComponent = {
templateUrl: './views/app/components/create_post_form/create_post_form.component.html',
controller: CreatePostFormController,
controllerAs: 'vm',
bindings: {}
Then you need to edit your angular/index.components.js to import this component
import {CreatePostFormComponent} from './app/components/create_post_form/create_post_form.component';
.component('createPostForm', CreatePostFormComponent);
EcmaScript 6
We are writing in EcmaScript 6 which is the upcoming version of JavaScript (EcmaScript 5). Here's a good resource for learning EcmaScript 6.
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