


Separate multiple words with a dash (e.g.: add-items)


Do not append the word Service, Component or Directive. They will be automatically generated for you.



All generators will automatically update your imports and module in the correct file. For components, the index.components.js will be automatically updated. You can disable this behavior by adding the --no-import flag or from your config/generators.php.

Below is a list of the available generators:

artisan ng:page {settings}

Creates a new page in /angular/app/pages by generating the following:

  • angular/app/pages/
  • angular/app/pages/settings.less

artisan ng:component {user-profile}

Creates a new component in /angular/components/ by generating the following:

  • angular/directives/components/user-profile.component.html
  • angular/directives/components/user-profile.component.js
  • angular/directives/components/user-profile.less

and an ngDescribe test file

  • tests/angular/app/components/user-profile.spec.js


Components vs Directives

Make sure to read the official angular docs on the difference between Components & Directives.

In most scenarios, you would use components as the building block for your User Interface.

artisan ng:directive {is-admin}

Creates a new directive in /angular/directives/ by generating the following:

  • angular/directives/is-admin/is-admin.directive.js

and an ngDescribe test file

  • tests/angular/directives/is-admin.spec.js

artisan ng:dialog {login}

Creates a new dialog in /angular/dialogs/ by generating the following:

  • angular/dialogs/login/login.html
  • angular/dialogs/login/login.dialog.js
  • angular/dialogs/login/login.less

artisan ng:service {cache}

Creates a new service in /angular/services/ by generating the following:

  • angular/services/cache.service.js

and an ngDescribe test file

  • tests/angular/services/cache.spec.js

artisan ng:filter {ucfirst}

Creates a new service in /angular/filters/ by generating the following:

  • angular/filters/ucfirst.filter.js

artisan ng:config {http}

Creates a new service in /angular/config/ by generating the following:

  • angular/config/http.config.js