
Toasts are a component available in Angular Material.

Since most implementations require a success and an error toast, this repository provides you with pre-configured ToastService that you can easily adjust to fit your needs.

This service allows you to open a success toast and an error toast.
The error toast is also automatically displayed when the API encounters a validation error (using restangular's error interceptor).

While this service has a default delay, position and action text, you can easily change them in angular/services/toast.service.js. You can also add custom methods.

	"use strict";

	angular.module('app.controllers').controller('PostsController', PostsController); 
  function PostsController(ToastService){
		var vm = this;
		vm.success = success;
		vm.error = error;
    var success = function(){'Post added successfully!');
    var error = function(){
			ToastService.error('Connection interrupted!');

